If you are like many others, you have possibly committed to "get a bigger bag" as a New Year's resolution. Whether your goal is to relocate, get a new job in a new field, obtain your next promotion, or even venture off on your own, know that you deserve to walk in your purpose - wherever that may lead you. If you are like many others (and myself), you have possibly committed to "getting a bigger bag" as a New Year's resolution. Whether your goal is to relocate, get a new job in a new field, obtain your next promotion, or even venture off on your own, know that you deserve to walk in your purpose - wherever that may lead you.
Contrary to the beliefs of other bloggers, career coaches, and resume writers, I do not believe it starts with your resume - although a critical piece in the process. In my opinion, it begins in your mind. Do you envision or position your mind to manifest a position attached to increased compensation, upward mobility, an inclusive and supportive work environment with the title that matches your skills? Mindset is a critical piece when you are job searching. How you see yourself is how you will sell yourself. If you don't envision more for who you are becoming, your search for another role will image your current state of being.
The internal voices in our heads shape what we do and how we react to situations. Cultivating a growth mindset, in which you feel that you can achieve whatever you want, is one of the best keys to success. Positive thinking and seeing the bright side of things vastly improve your chances of finding a new job and advancing in your career. (Kelly, 2021)
As you are looking for your new role don't forget "your why". Revamp your resume or hire me to. Celebrate the small wins. I look forward to seeing you at the top.
Mardy, The Corporate Coach
This blog may have been written in 2021 but I feel GODs perfect alignment during this time, no more playing small!
❤️🌟🕊️ May GOD continue to use and bless you Mardy!!